Selling on marketplaces in different countries helps people and businesses increase their income.
This skill should be taught in high schools and universities /field of business, economics, IT/, in educational and consulting companies, as well as in commercial and manufacturing companies. Thanks to this skill, both sports clubs and celebrities can sell more of their branded products.

We have prepared a 2-hour online that contains practical examples that will help you sell more using markeplace in different countries
This course is created in 62 languages and we will regularly add practical examples to it.
Course link

We have prepared our online course to help as many people and companies as possible to increase their income.
We make copyright freely available, i.e. you can use the knowledge from the course for your own needs as well as for your colleagues, employees, students, but you can also train other interested parties, students or give this knowledge as a valuable gift.

Selling on the marketplace is the future and the sooner you learn this knowledge, the sooner you can increase your income.