We work in perspective field with great potential - cooperate with marketplace in various states.

We help companies sell their products
 in 78 countries.
Visit our app at app.tradewyx.com and start increasing your sales.

We help companies sell their products
 in 78 countries.
Visit our app at app.tradewyx.com and start increasing your sales.

We help 4 types of companies with sales

Manufacturing, sales companies

We focus on the sale of common items sold in e-shops such as musical instruments, food supplements, durable foods, toys, sporting goods, musical instruments, tools, watches, antiques, books...

Media - advertising, paid content

we focus on media such as television, radio, press offices, newspapers, billboards that want to expand their customers. We ensure the sale of paid content for media or influencers

Sports clubs, celebrities

We focus on selling things - merch - branded products, which include t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, jerseys, souvenirs...


We focus on selling vouchers for various services such as legal services, accommodation, travel experiences
