Looking for a new challenge?
 Are you looking for an internship?
We operate in the promising field of marketplace sales in various countries.
We are looking for a large number of colleagues and collaborators for various positions.



We are looking for a new director of our company . /we are an American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /
The job involves managing the company, providing training, recruiting new colleagues, managing the support department and other activities.
Our company operates in the promising field of marketplace sales in various states.
You can find more information about our company in our book
We organize training dates in different countries.
If you are interested in working in a promising field, contact us


We are looking for new colleagues as a lawyer for our firm / the American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com

The content of the work is the preparation of contracts for business partners and co-workers.
Our company has published a book that describes the content of the activity and is available at www.tradewyx.com/book.html,
We regularly organize training for our business partners in more than 200 countries.
Training dates here https://tradewyx.com/training.html
If you are interested in working in a promising field, contact us


Salesperson, sales representative, consultant

We are looking for new colleagues for the position of salesman, sales representative, consultant.
The job is to reach out to new customers and business partners in marketplace sales services in different states. Collaboration is possible on a full-time or part-time basis.

If you are interested in this position, please contact us. 

HR, HR manager

We are looking for new colleagues to join the HR department of our company / American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com
The job is to recruit and train new colleagues.
More information about us can be found in the book https://tradewyx.com/book.html
If you are interested in working in a promising industry contact us

to build relationships and long-term cooperation



We are looking for new colleagues for the position of programmer in our company / American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com
The job is to program a sales application. We use shopify, amazon and other technologies.  
For more information, please visit https://tradewyx.com/book.html.
If you are interested in working in a promising industry, contact us

Coordinator for companies operating in the field of financing and credit and insurance. 

We are looking for new colleagues for the position of manager / coordinator for cooperation with institutions providing credit, financing and insurance in our company / American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com
The job is to ensure cooperation with institutions that provide loans for our business partners.
For more information, please see our book https://tradewyx.com/book.html
If you are interested in working in a promising industry contact us

to build relationships and long-term cooperation



We are looking for new colleagues for the position of buyer in our company / American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com
The job is to ensure the purchase of equipment and services for our branches and the operation of our company /PC, cars, office equipment, insurance...
More information about us can be found in the book https://tradewyx.com/book.html
If you are interested in this position, please contact us. 

Customer support services

We are looking for new colleagues to join our company / American company Tradewyx Inc. based in Silicon Valley /www.tradewyx.com
The job is to work in customer support, prepare documents, etc. e
More information about us can be found in the book https://tradewyx.com/book.html
If you are interested in this position, please contact us. 

to build relationships and long-term cooperation
